Dear Friends of David Chung Ministries International (DCMI),
We hope that you had a blessed Easter celebration with your family. It has been far too long since we sent a newsletter, but David was involved in extensive travel in the fall and then became ill for a couple of weeks. Since January, he has been teaching and taking courses at Faith Seminary. So, please forgive us for our lack of correspondence and know that we think of you often and thank God for your friendship and support.
Rather than David going out on a winter mission trip, this year the mission field came to visit us in Federal Way. Dr. and Mrs. Lim, Korean missionaries to Ukraine, visited us during their sabbatical. David has worked with them for the past two years to help develop Christian leaders in Ukraine. Pastor Mihai Dumitrascu of Romania also spent a few days in our home as he came to Seattle. During their short stays with us, we introduced them to various Seattle-based ministries and leaders in order to further their support base here in the States. We are convinced that we became closer through these visits and that more outreach opportunities will open up as our mutual trust deepens.
David has been invited to Romania by a Korean missionary to assist him in training Romanian pastors and Christian leaders. Please pray that David will find the time to go to Romania soon to determine how DCMI can design a proper outreach and training program to meet the needs in the region of Romania where this missionary is serving.
We have been working with another couple at our church to facilitate a Mission Perspectives Sunday School class. The group has been fairly small, but we pray that each participant will come away with an increased awareness of the unreached people groups of the world. Pray that we will all become more diligent in sharing the good news and making disciples as God has commanded us.
In addition to teaching at Faith Seminary, David also has the opportunity to learn. During the winter and spring quarters he took some Doctor of Ministry courses including Worldviews and Christianity, Leadership and Organizational Development, and Missional Church Planting. While studying these leadership-related classes, the Lord has revealed to him areas in which his leadership skills need to be strengthened.
David asks for your prayers to become a more effective Executive Director of DCMI. Could you please pray intensely for him in the following areas until August of 2007?
1. That he will manage himself well in terms of time, health and spirituality. Effective time management is essential in order to maintain a rich personal time of prayer and study of God’s word so that God can develop David’s spiritual leadership.
2. That he will network with other leaders and ministries for creating synergy in missions and ministry.
3. That God will lead him to capable men and women to expand his Board of Directors and that he will learn to work effectively with the board while maintaining accountability to our partners.
A couple of African-American churches in Houston, Texas, jointly extended DCMI an invitation to come hold a revival rally. David and Kay will serve in Houston, April 15-17. Please pray that God will renew His people through this revival and that they will actively engage themselves in the work of missions and evangelism as a result of this revival.
The two Romanian evangelists partnering with DCMI are doing well. Miss Kim serving in a Creative Access Region is also doing a marvelous job, thanks to your prayers. Check our website,, in the near future for more information about their ministries.
We experienced a family milestone in March when David legally became Grace’s father through adoption. We praise God for bringing our family together.
We also praise him for the improvements we have seen in Grace lately. We have told you before about her diagnosis of autism. Since September, we have had her on a strict diet and numerous nutritional supplements. Recently she has begun attending a mainstream classroom for part of the day and the teachers have commented on her improved attention span and comprehension. She has always been a sweetheart and continues to provide much joy to her parents and grandparents. We would appreciate your continued prayers for her healing.
Kay has started a new home-based business on top of her work as Pharmacist. She has long wanted to leave the pharmacy profession and join David in full-time ministry and missions. Kay has a heart for suffering and lost people both in the States and overseas. Would you pray for God’s blessing on Kay’s new business so that she can devote her time to her family and working with David?
Kay’s business website:
Serving Him together,
David and Kay Chung