
The latest news and information for DCMi
Antoinette’s Physical Condition

Antoinette’s Physical Condition

Dear Friends, Thank you for praying for Antoinette's physical restoration. This is the latest news from Antoinette: Well, my praying family and friends! I got home about 11 am yesterday and went immediately to the ER to get checked out because of vomiting and...

Safely Arrived Home in Seattle

Safely Arrived Home in Seattle

Dear Friends, I safely returned home two days ago (Monday) and Antoinette just now (Wednesday). Thank you for praying for our respective travels. Would you pray that doctors will discover the source of Antoinette's hip/leg pain and properly treat it so she can be with...

A Wounded Healer in Cambodia

A Wounded Healer in Cambodia

Dear Friends, My teammate Dr. Antoinette Williams is in Cambodia this week teaching church leaders how to follow up on the new converts after the Christmas of Love Festival is over in December. The conference schedule is very tight. She is doing it in 3 cities. In...

A Report From Pakistan

A Report From Pakistan

Dear Friends, Worshipping God with the leaders who represented 300 churches in Islamabad was awesome. They so wanted to rise up for the cause of the gospel in their country. To my question, "Are you not afraid of persecution?" one of the leaders answered, "We are not...

Lausanne Congress in Seoul

Lausanne Congress in Seoul

Dear Friends, 5000 church and missional leaders from over 220 nations are in Korea this week to discuss and implement the best methods for global evangelization in the upcoming decades. More nations than the Olympics and the United Nations are represented in this...

Mongkolborey Evangelism Conference

Mongkolborey Evangelism Conference

Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit Dear Friends, Among all the Christians I met on this trip, the Christians come to my training in Mongkolborey were memorable. None of them looked wealthy, but their hearts were filled with the joy of Christ. They laughed heartily. They...

Poipet Evangelism Conference

Poipet Evangelism Conference

They Came in a Truck to Learn Evangelism. Dear Friends, I have taught evangelism all over, but never had so many young people desiring to win people to Christ as in Poipet. The training site was packed with young people. Their worship was heartfelt, prayer passionate,...

Sisophon Evangelism Conferece

Sisophon Evangelism Conferece

United to Share Christ in Cambodia @Sisophon Evangelism Conference (June 26-27) Dear Friends, The Christians in Sisophon, Cambodia, are excited about learning the content of the gospel and how to share it. They have committed to sharing the gospel before, during, and...

Antoinnette’s Note

Antoinnette’s Note

Dear Friends, It has been a few months since we were in Cambodia! I would like to thank you for your prayers and for joining us to set Holy Fires. The Lord was faithful in meeting us at each gathering, where we cried out to the Lord with a strong desire for the Holy...

Praying for Revival in Mongkolbery

Praying for Revival in Mongkolbery

Praying in a Furnace Dear Friends, We finished the "hottest' revival prayer rally in Mongkolbrey yesterday. With the 106-degree temperature outside in the past two days, the 12 fans inside the church constantly blew to my face hot air. The prayers of these precious...

Our Core Values

Evangelism | Leadership | Integrity | Research
Transformation through Spiritual Awakening

Doctrinal Statement

DCMi upholds The Lausanne Covenant and strives to fulfill it.

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