Dear Friends,

My teammate Dr. Antoinette Williams is in Cambodia this week teaching church leaders how to follow up on the new converts after the Christmas of Love Festival is over in December. The conference schedule is very tight. She is doing it in 3 cities. In each city, the conference lasts two full days. The trainees are learning how to assimilate new converts into their churches and disciple them.

While she is sick, Antoinette is praying for the sick and for spiritual awakening with the conference attendees in Cambodia in the video..

Together in Harvest,


Urgent Prayer Request

Antoinette was so sick when she left Seattle that she had to sit in a wheelchair to go to the gates on her trip to Cambodia. She just finished her teaching in two cities exhausted with pain in her body. The heat and humidity made her nauseated as well. We had to cancel her preaching schedule today and tomorrow. She will resume her teaching in the third city on Monday and Tuesday. Would you pray for her healing?