Dear Friends,

It has been a few months since we were in Cambodia! I would like to thank you for your prayers and for joining us to set Holy Fires. The Lord was faithful in meeting us at each gathering, where we cried out to the Lord with a strong desire for the Holy Spirit. I am still full of expectations, prayers, and courage for Cambodia to become transformed by God! Join me in revisiting our times of prayer at each gathering, I believe they are still gathering and calling on the name of our Lord!

Our initial gathering was a celebration of repentance, forgiveness, and waging war against the evil and deception that reigns over the nation. We cried out with loud voices, standing together with hands lifted high, worshipping the only one true living God and pacing the church with powerful prayers in unity. I can still hear the voices of the people boldly declaring “Jesus is Lord of Cambodia, let thy Kingdom come now in this nation.”

One of the most memorable gatherings was with young people, surrendering, worshipping, kneeling, crying out, saying, ‘We are following Jesus’. We gathered with a loud voice of wailing and worship! It was loud and the presence of the Lord was there- we were under an open heaven for sure, I felt like this was a crucial moment for the next generation of Cambodia, they are READY to transform.

We ended our week on our knees in a small church filled with fervent prayers. The presence of God was capturing and filling the hearts of all in the room. I am still full, I still hear the voices of our brothers and sisters of Cambodia praying, wailing, worshipping, and calling on the name of the Lord to be this nation’s one and true living GOD!

Let’s keep praying for Cambodia for souls! Thy Kingdom’s COME-Harvest is plentiful!  David is going to Cambodia in late June for evangelism training in preparation for the upcoming festival.

We ask for your financial support to see this nation transformed from memories of the Killing Field to MISSION FIELD!
