Dear Friends, December 5, 2021
My teammate Dr. Antoinette Williams just arrived in Nairobi, Kenya. Representing DCMi, Antoinette will be speaking twice at Proclaim Africa Evangelist Congress this week. These are the topics of her messages assigned to her by the conference organizers: 1) Character of Evangelists, and 2) Milestones and Strains in Evangelism.
There has never been a time in the history of the African church when all 54 African countries are represented for the cause of the gospel. In that regard, the Proclaim Africa Congress is truly a historical conference for the African church where all churches of the 54 African countries are invited. Due to Covid, lack of funds, and lack of a strong Christian presence, I am sure some countries will not be able to send their representatives. I was told that so far 43 countries have said they would send their representatives.
Would you pray for the following:
1. Traveling mercies for all representatives coming from their countries.
2. God’s anointing on all speakers including Antoinette so that African evangelistic leaders will be developed thru the congress.
3. God’s protection over the representative from Covid and other potential security issues.
4. DCMi will participate in developing next-generation young African evangelists after the congress is over.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support. Happy December!