Who We Are

Dr. Antoinnette Williams
Antoinnette Williams was born to a praying mother and grew up seeking the heart of the Lord on behalf of people through prayer. She did not hesitate to dedicate her life to the ministry of spiritual harvest when God called her. Ordained as an Evangelist, Antoinnette graduated from Faith Evangelical Seminary with a Master of Theological Studies with Emphasis in Apologetics, Master of Divinity, and Doctoral of Ministry in Strategic Leadership degrees. Antoinnette’s doctoral dissertation, “Evangelistic Prayer” was translated into Amharic and has been published in Ethiopia where evangelists and church leaders use its model to multiply prayer teams for spiritual harvest. Antoinnette has served with DCMI for over 10 years as an Evangelist, Prayer Ministry Coordinator, and Teacher-Friend to several countries in Africa and South East Asia. In addition, she holds a Master’s degree in Health Administration and works as Family Medicine Residency Manager at a local native American health clinic. Antoinnette has been married to Michael for 25 years, is mother to Isaiah and Nana to Silas.

The past few weeks, our family has been trying to navigate the news of my husband’s little brother” Tony” who is developmentally challenged was diagnosed with Colon Cancer. When we first received the news, we wept and were scared for him. So, we sought the heart of the Lord for Tony, and the Lord reminded me of Jerimiah 30:10 We began to ask our team of intercessors to pray- the Lord moved! He will be having surgery and likely chemotherapy!
WE all received the peace of God!
In the midst of our trials God has a need of thee….
The next day after hearing about Tony, I received an email to go to Nigeria, Jos on September 18-22. The timing couldn’t be worse in the eyes of many! I put my head down on my desk with both sadness and joy. I wept! I got up and ask the Lord if you would have me to go- Give me your burden now and I have two small requests:
- Please isolate or eradicate Tony’s Colon’s cancer and align all his needs prior to me going.
- When I meet with my superior at work, grant me favor, peace and allow me to share my heart.
In one week, God answered ALL that I asked of him. I went to work, and I was in a meeting and could hardly breathe, I had to get up and leave the room “He gave me his burden, the weight was so heavy! I told my boss that I needed to talk to her. She said, how’s Tony?” I said, it’s the weight of His burden… I am conflicted between 2 hearts, one of flesh and one of the Spirit! She understood immediately and said “you know what you have to do-you must go! Tony will be okay.” So, I said Yes Lord I am going to Nigeria, Jos to develop over 3,000 future Christian leaders in Nigeria and impact the Muslim world! (Nehemiah 2:20)
In 2009 over 50,000 Christians were killed and over 18,000 churches were set on fire by Muslim Jihadists in Nigeria. Christian schools are being burned and even moderate Muslims are dying. Last year alone, over 4,000 Christians were killed, but the corrupt Nigerian government is doing nothing to protect Christians from this type of brutal terrorism. DCMi’s Board of Directors has approved us to match any donations for this Nigerian conference up to $4,000. While this ministry could be physically risky for Antoinette, her heart is burning to go to encourage and equip these committed Nigerian Christian leaders for ministry as they reach out to their Muslim countrymen. Would you participate in this momentous event through your prayers and financial support?
Partner with Antoinnette Williams as her ministry in Africa is expanding. Antoinnette has served in Rwanda, Ethiopia, and Kenya. Antoinnette will soon be in Djibouti to build relationships with the next generation evangelists of that country. Antoinnette has received invitations to Nigar and Ghana, but she has a passion to minister to ALL African Nations.
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Evangelism | Leadership | Integrity | Research
Transformation through Spiritual Awakening
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DCMi upholds The Lausanne Covenant and strives to fulfill it.
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