Dear Friends,
We wrapped up our ministry in Nepal Sunday night. Steve and I were able to recruit some 100 young Nepali Christian men and women for our online leadership development program. These young people are excited about the opportunity to be equipped as the best leaders they are capable of becoming to transform their nation following biblical values. If all the logistics will proceed as planned, we will start training the first cohort of these people in July.
Since Sundays are not off days in Nepal, Christians worship on Saturdays. Although one may lose all the social privileged once he/she becomes a Christian in this Hindu country Nepal, the church where I preached was packed with people even to the extent that some people were outside the church building peeping in through the windows while worshiping outside. I had to keep wiping my eyes because worshipping with them was so touching.
We left Nepal this morning and just checked into the hotel at the next destination. It is 25 minutes past midnight on March 28th. In spite of the persecution, the Christians of this country so wanted to have a gospel event because their constitution at least warranted the freedom of religion, so they invited DCMi for a city-wide gospel festival.
This trip is to meet with important church leadership and explain to them the process through which we do a citywide gospel festival. In spite of the long process and the possible price they have to pay, if the leadership makes a decision to do it, then, I was going to come back later this year to explain to the pastors of this city the same thing, and then take a vote with regards to doing the festival. If 2/3 of the churches and pastors want to do, it in spite of potential persecution, then I thought I would do it.
Nevertheless, the church leadership contacted us this morning before we left Nepal and said that we were scheduled to brief the church leadership on how we do a citywide gospel festival tomorrow (which is today), and a day later, we were to brief 100+ pastors on how we do a citywide gospel festival so that they will make the final decision right then. How passionately they are wanting a gospel event here and the touch of the Holy Spirit.
Please keep praying for our ministry here.