Praying in a Furnace

Dear Friends,

We finished the “hottest’ revival prayer rally in Mongkolbrey yesterday. With the 106-degree temperature outside in the past two days, the 12 fans inside the church constantly blew to my face hot air. The prayers of these precious Christians, however, were the hottest.

As the local church pastors in the front row knelt on the floor, all Christians knelt and cried out to God for revival on their knees. Some were wiping tears and others were pounding their chests while praying. We saw God at work in Cambodia.

We wrapped up a week-long revival prayer rally in Cambodia. After I preach at a local church today, we will move to the regional airport, fly to Phnom Penh, and fly out of Cambodia.

After we leave, the local Christians will create a network of prayer throughout the province to keep praying for revival and soul-winning until the festival in December. Would you stand with us for a transformation of Cambodia through the gospel of Jesus Christ?

In Christ,
