Dear Friends, April 1, 2016
It was a year ago that Tacoma Good Shepherd Church and Pastor Jay committed to sponsor and speak at University Christian Fellowship (UCF) Spring Retreat in Myityina, Myanmar. Two weeks before the retreat; however, his health would not allow him to travel to Myanmar. When he relayed this to me, I was amazed to discover that my upcoming trip to Myanmar was to the same city in the same week. God had orchestrated two totally unrelated events to be in the same location during the same week so that while I was in Myanmar holding my own meetings, I was able to speak at the UCF retreat on behalf of my friend Jay. Two hundred young people of Myanmar absorbed God’s word like sponges and some Buddhist students also enjoyed this Christian retreat.
After leaving Myanmar, I went to Nepal to join the team fro ministry in Kathmandu. Everywhere we served, people were moved by the Spirit to laughter or to tears. In one of the churches, we witnessed a demon-possessed person set free as a result of our team member’s prayer. When we shared our mission strategy for Nepal at our pastors’ conference, the Nepali pastors committed to discipline themselves in the upcoming three years to bring about spiritual transformation transformation in Nepal. Let me share one of the many emails I received from a pastor who attended our conference. You have a vision for Nepal and many people will be changed in the coming years. I am using your teaching in practical way and developing my church members’ vision like yours because we need to transform many people through Christ. I have started your teaching in my village church and their response was awesome. I explained everything about your ministry. I am also preparing them for your gospel event and next training. We did gospel sharing and leadership program in our village.
A Pakistani pastor who was living as a refugee in Nepal shared how his mother-in-law in Pakistan was murdered by Muslim extremists for her faith in Christ. Although he and his wife were seriously wounded in that same brutal attack, God spared their lives. He and his family fled to Nepal in search of security and religious freedom because the Muslims constantly threatened to kill his children. He asked that we pray for these suffering Christians of Pakistan and figure out a way to help them spiritually and financially.
Seeing these overwhelming needs of the mission field always keep me humble. Would you pray with me for God’s complete rule on this earth? As you pray, would you remember my dad also? He is no longer able to tolerate the chemotherapy which was slowing the spread of his prostate cancer. The more he suffers, the more we are thankful for the hope of heaven. Thank you so much for your support for our ministry and our family!
In Christ,
David & Kay

P.S. You can see some photos and videos of our ministry in the following link: