Dear Friends, May, 2017
The hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ is coming to Nepal! A team of 17 from the US and Korea were blessed to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord with Nepali Christians. We experienced the power of God through prayer as a demon-possessed woman was set free. Hearts were moved through anointed music and powerful preaching and teaching.
We witnessed a magnificent display of unity on Easter Sunday morning when Christians from many different denominations marched in the streets of Kathmandu shouting that through resurrection, Jesus had become our living hope (1Pet. 1:3) The march culminated in a united Easter service at the central plaza where more than 7000 Christians gathered to praise the resurrected Lord along with the choir at the top of their voices. In their worship, I saw the heart-felt desires of these persecuted Christians to see the Kingdom of God come to their land
That evening, we invited 200 pastors of Kathmandu to a banquet at a Hotel. Through God’s word, I encouraged these pastors that have faithfully served the Lord and fellow Christians despite the hardship. I also appealed to these pastors to be united for an unprecedented work of evangelism and discipleship next year. They enthusiastically responded to my message. The top leaders of the Nepali church decided to set aside Nov. 29, 30, and Dec. 1 of 2018 for the Kathmandu Gospel Festival. They have already begun to do some preliminary work for this event. For the next three days, we had the privilege of training 200 pastors for evangelism through our first conference on the Gospel and Evangelism.

The week was not without spiritual opposition. While we were there, one Hindu extremist attempted to assassinate a Christian leader. Praise the Lord that the bullet missed this man! On another occasion, someone set fire to a church building. While the church was not completely burned, it was damaged along with a couple of cars in the parking lot. One of my committee members was assigned a government-commissioned body guard because he was a highly targeted Christian leader. The forces of darkness do not want the children of light to rise up.
Nepali church leaders discussed whether they should give up on the Kathmandu Gospel Festival out of a fear of retaliation from the forces of darkness or trust God and persevere in spite of the current threat. Praise the Lord that they decided to stand firm against the forces of darkness. A season of the gospel of Christ is fast approaching Nepal! Thank you very much for your prayers and support.
With Gratitude, David
PS. You can see more photos at David Chung Ministries International | Facebook