Dear Friends August 2011
I am finally home after three weeks of outreach to Africa. Wherever we went, the Lord sent those who desperately needed heavenly touch. An amazing experience of God’s grace flew in our midst like a mighty river.
The Ethiopian evangelist spouse conference were filled with tears even from the beginning. As my teammate, Jay Samson, began to embrace each conference participant one by one (some 300 of them in all) right before the conferences would start, they began to sob and some wailed. All three conferences at different cities of Ethiopia began with praise and worship and the joy of the Lord filled each conference venues. When I finished my last presentation entitled “Mission of a Woman,” one evangelists’ wife raised her hand and asked if we would allow her to pray for us. With a tearful voice, she prayed: “God, since it has been so hard to live as an evangelist, I was thinking of giving up the call. Right then, you sent your servants like this and touched our hearts. Thank you for refreshing us at the critical moment and showing us how we should serve you.” At the moment, I heard thunderous “Amens” in sobbing voices. Warm tears were silently dripping on my cheek also.
Dr. Eyasu Ferenj, my coordinator, brought to me an Evangelist’s wife and her 5 year old son. Showing me his right arm, he said to me, “Lately this boy fell and broke his right arm. The parents took him to a small country clinic and fixed the arm, but as you see, he cannot move his arm ever since. Before it is too late, he needs to see a good doctor at a good hospital. Can we as conference speakers collect money to provide $200 for this boy’s surgery on the arm so that he could use his arm again? I cannot see him grow up without being able to use his right arm for lack of $200.” Immediately, we gave the boy’s mother $200 from the ministry budget you have supported me with. The boy’s mother was overwhelmed by the Lord you showed her and her boy and asked me with tearful eye to thank you, DCMi partners, for your generosity.
Last spring, I asked you to pray for the persecuted Christians of Ethiopia and many people sent them generous financial support. Dr. Ferenj related to me this amazing outcome of the persecution: “As a result of the persecution, all Ethiopian Christians across the denomination became one in feeding and taking care of the Christian refugees. Out of rage, the Ethiopian central government arrested all the Muslims participated in these hideous deeds and sentenced them to five to fifty-five years of imprisonment depending on the intensity of their involvement. The government also ordered them to rebuild the churches and Christian houses they had burnt down. What is more amazing is that nine top Muslim leaders who are allegedly known as ordering this evil scheme died lately of drug overuse. Three weeks ago, a severe thunderstorm hit Ethiopia and 15 mosque were hit by lightening and got burnt down.
God gave us an abound harvest of souls in Kenya. At the five different satellite-city crusade sites including mine, more than 600 people came forward to accept Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord. At the Saba Saba festival with Wesley Paul, more than 1000 people made decisions for Christ. After the first day of the crusade preaching, my crusade was almost cancelled by the police because the Mulims of the town strongly appealed to the police. Thanks to the swift work of the crusade preparation committee, the police overruled the appeal and allowed me to go on to publically preach the gospel on the town square. Every time I gave an invitation, many sick and demon-possessed people came forward to receive prayer, not to mention those who made decisions for Christ. My translator and I laid our hands on each one of these people and prayed for God’s healing and commanded demons to leave in the mighty name of Jesus and demon-possed people came forward to receive prayer, not to mention those who made decisions for Christ. My translator and I laid our hands on each one of these people and prayed for God’s healing and commanded demons to leave in the name of Jesus. |
Another unforgettable experience of Kenya was this. After my crusade was over, the church council of this town gave me 2000 Kenyan Shillings (around $20) for my . Of course, when I preached in North America, Europe and Korea, churches gave me honorariums. However, it was the first honorarium which has ever been given to me in the mission field. I was so deeply touched not because they gave me money but because they were practicing our Lord’s teaching as to how to honor preachers in spite of their low economic standard.
Thanking them for their thoughtfulness, I commended them for practicing the teachings of the Bible. I also asked them for their permission regarding using this gift for my Rwandan pastor’s conference scheduled for the next week. Joyfully granting me to do so, the pastors of Kenya prayed with me for the churches and pastors of Gisenyi. My eyes were moistened. The Church Council requested me to return to their town in the near future to hold another Crusade in conjunction with a Pastor’s Conference. Would you please pray with me that our Master will send me back to Kenya in His time.
The pastors of Gisenyi, Rwanda were overjoyed to have me for a conference. Instead of teaching the Bible as I used to do, the Rwandan pastors and I, following the lead of the Holy Spirit, have created this time a new transformational leadership development curriculum not that of mine, but based on their particular needs. While I was preaching in Kenya, one Gisenyi pastor sent me an email not knowing my Gisenyi conference schedule yet: “Dear Teacher David and friend in Jesus Christ . . . when will you get back here in Rwanda? We hope that God will offer another time to be together for study. Better and blessing to get you in Rwanda, especially in Rubavu City. We remember you and your constant love that you have showed us during all the time that we have spent together. Especially we have and to think about the teachings that you have proclaimed to us from different churches in our region. They are singing for joy. We do not have a reward or salary to pay you, unless to show you the Lord God in our prayer. I have leaned much and better lesson from you. Thank you for your kind patient and love. Some people who were in your seminar included I and others enjoyed your teachings and they are making them in application. There is a deep animation. You are on our hearts . . . ” (I purposely did not correct his English). An email like this is a reminder to me that I am in the right place doing the right thing. Thank you very much for your support. Following the new curriculum we have created, the pastors of Gisenyi will daily develop themselves as leaders in groups even while I am away in the United States.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for partnering with me for world evangelization. I planted but you watered the ministry through your prayers and giving, and the Lord gave us growth. Therefore, let us give all the glory to our Master and continue to be faithful to His call.
Kay and I would truly love to hear from you.
In Christ,

needed heavenly touch. A amazing experience of God’s grace flew in our midst like a mighty river.
God gave us an abound harvest of souls in Kenya. At the five different satellite-city crusade sites including mine, more than 600 people came forward to accept Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord. At the Saba Saba festival with Wesley Paul, more than 1000 people made decisions for Christ. After the first day of the crusade preaching, my crusade was almost cancelled by the police because the Mulims of the town strongly appealed to the police. Thanks to the swift work of the crusade preparation committee, the police overruled the appeal and allowed me to go on to publically preach the gospel on the town square. Every time I gave an invitation, many sick and demon-possessed people came forward to receive prayer, not to mention those who made decisions for Christ. My translator and I laid our hands on each one of these people and prayed for God’s healing and commanded demons to leave in the mighty name of Jesus