Dear Friends, August, 20, 2018
Since the Lord blessed our Gospel Festival in Kathmandu, I have both good and bad news to share. Bad news first: As of August 16, evangelism became banned. Even a nursing mother telling her babe about Jesus is illegal. Please pray with us that the Lord would protect the Nepalese Christians from possibly numerous persecutions. Pray also that the Lord will fully answer the prayers of Nepalese Christians for full freedom of religion.
These are the good news. It took two months of time for our festival office to connect all new believers to appropriate local churches for membership and discipleship. As a result, one of the churches of Kathmandu had 40 new people come to join the church. In a recent political convention, the former Prime Minister of Nepal declared, “Christianity seems to be a better religions that Hinduism with which to transform a nation.” The church leaders that related this story to me said that the Prime Minister might have been able to make a remark as such because he came to our festival. I am determined to continue to go to Nepal to encourage church leaders so that they will continue to make disciples in Nepal even during the Anti-Conversion/Evangelism Law.
On August 15th, the evangelical church leaders of Cambodia were to have a business meeting to talk about DCMi’s participation in playing an important role in Cambodia. Since three major denominational leaders’ schedule did not work out, this meeting was postponed towards the end of August. Would you pray with us that these leaders’ hearts will be set in line with the Lord as they are making this important decision?
For more than two months this summer, our family suffered not being able to use water due to septic system failure. It is all fixed now and we can use was as much as we want J
Grace graduated from High School in June. Her current plan is that she will receive basic job train and then find an employment. Would you pray these parents that by God’s grace, Grace will be accepted into a local school where she will receive job training for those that have developmental disabilities and receive proper training for work? It is our prayer that Grace will be fully developed as a responsible adult in spite of her autism.
Thank you sooo much for your prayers and support. We would love to hear from you.
David & Kay

David Chung