Christmas of Love Festival Day 2

Christmas of Love Festival Day 2

Dear Friends, The Deputy Minister of Religion and Culture of Cambodia greeted us on the second day of the festival. Among the VIPs that attended the festival were the Governor and his wife, the wife of the Speaker of the House along with many high-ranking officials of...
A Report From Pakistan

A Report From Pakistan

Dear Friends, Worshipping God with the leaders who represented 300 churches in Islamabad was awesome. They so wanted to rise up for the cause of the gospel in their country. To my question, “Are you not afraid of persecution?” one of the leaders...
Lausanne Congress in Seoul

Lausanne Congress in Seoul

Dear Friends, 5000 church and missional leaders from over 220 nations are in Korea this week to discuss and implement the best methods for global evangelization in the upcoming decades. More nations than the Olympics and the United Nations are represented in this...
Mongkolborey Evangelism Conference

Mongkolborey Evangelism Conference

Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit Dear Friends, Among all the Christians I met on this trip, the Christians come to my training in Mongkolborey were memorable. None of them looked wealthy, but their hearts were filled with the joy of Christ. They laughed heartily. They...
Good News from Cambodia and Nepal

Good News from Cambodia and Nepal

  Dear Friends, Jesus taught us to pray: “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”” (Matt. 6:9-10 ESV). Would you pray that prayer with me for Nepal and Cambodia this year? Your prayer will make a huge difference....