One of the most influential persons that helped shape who I am and what I do is Ravi Zacharias. Ever since I heard him speak for the first time in Amsterdam in 1986, my heart has been drawn to this man’s life and ministry. When I personally met him in 1987, he handed me his business card and said, “David, you can call me any time if you want to talk to me. Since you are a student without much money, you should call me collect. Although you are welcome to call me any time, if possible, please avoid morning hours because my morning hours are given to prayer and research. Nevertheless, you can call me any time if you have an emergency.”

The Lord took Ravi home this morning. Thank you, Ravi, for the godly example you have set in my paths both for life and ministry. I will never forget what I have learned from you. Well done, God’s faithful servant! I am looking forward to seeing you again in heaven.
