Summer-2, 2014

Dear Bethel Church Family, August 10, 2014 I cannot believe it has been three months since I stopped preaching here every Sunday. Of all the churches that have partnered with DCMi for global evangelization, partnering with Bethel Church bears special meaning in my...

Summer-1, 2014

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which someone found and hid; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field” (Matt 13:44). Dear Friends, June 5, 2014 It has been quite some time since I last wrote. How have...

Winter 2013-14

Yangon Gospel Festival David Chung Ministries International (DCMi) had the recent privilege of holding the first large-scale evangelistic crusade in the country of Myanmar. Until the government leadership changed two years ago, religious groups were forbidden to gather...

Summer 2, 2013

Dear Friends Aug 17, 2013 This year marks the bi-centennial of the establishment of the Myanmar church when Adoniram Judson (17881850) brought the gospel to Myanmar (former Burma). After leaving America at age 25, Adoniram Judson endured indescribable suffering in...

Summer-1, 2013

Dear DCMi Family, June 9, 2013 Last Sunday, my coworker Antoinnette and Lisa returned to Seattle after a week of ministry in Ethiopia.  We invited some 70 native Ethiopian evangelists to our conference this time.  Instead of teaching these evangelists...

Spring 2013

Dear Friends, April 24, 2013 Spring is in the air – even in Seattle.  We hope that you are enjoying some beautiful weather as well. Thanks to your prayers and support, DCMi has served in Africa and Europe this spring. In addition to Rwanda (Gisenyi), where we have...