Online Leadership Development Course I for Rwandan Pastors

12May(May 12)9:00 AM07Dec(Dec 7)11:59 PMOnline Leadership Development Course I for Rwandan Pastors

Event Details

After rescheduling our course schedule a couple of times in order to accommodate the needs of the 12 leaders of Rwanda, we have finalized our online leadership development course I from May 12 to November 7.  Due to COVID and other issues, these pastors have had a hard time logging in and studying.  They have a burning desire to develop themselves as better leaders.

Would you pray that these 12 pastors will be able to focus on developing themselves as the best leaders they are capable of becoming in the upcoming 6 months?  Would you pray that I will operate to the best of my ability to motivate these pastors to the discipline of study?

DCMi is committed to developing transformational leaders.



May 12, 2021 9:00 AM - December 7, 2021 11:59 PM(GMT+00:00)