Honest and Fair Distribution of Food

Honest and Fair Distribution of Food

New Life for All  (Nigeria) worked hard to carefully select the beneficiaries of our relief effort and fairly distributed the food to the victims of the riots.  The beneficiaries are happy and grateful.  Please see the photos:
Fall 2023-2 Antoinette’s Nigeria Ministry

Fall 2023-2 Antoinette’s Nigeria Ministry

  Dear Friends, Desperately wanting peace, the Nigerian church leaders are calling this conference PEACE IN JOS Conference. From all over Nigeria, almost 3,000 participants came to Jos to attend the conference. Key leaders also came from Chad and Niger to support...
Fall 2023-1 Antoinette’s Greetings from Nigeria

Fall 2023-1 Antoinette’s Greetings from Nigeria

Dear Friends, I send you greetings from Nigeria.  The Christian leaders of Nigeria are grateful that we came to encourage them. Thank you for standing with me for Nigerian Christians.  My week will be full of teaching, developing, encouraging, and praying for the...
An Important Letter about Nigeria Ministry Funds

An Important Letter about Nigeria Ministry Funds

Dear Friends, I am sending this email ONLY to those who sent us donations for Antoinette’s upcoming ministry in Nigeria.  We are in awe of your generosity! Antoinette needed $8000 to encourage church leaders and train them for effective ministry, especially to...