by David Chung | Oct 21, 2023 | Newsletter
Dear Friends, I am at JFK waiting for my flight to Senegal. I am looking forward to teaching a group of pastors at American Theological Institute in Senegal next week. I never forgot this lady in the video singing “Nous sommes la” and all the students...
by David Chung | Sep 26, 2023 | Newsletter
Dear Friend, My teammate Dr. Steve Coe (To my right) is departing for Nepal tomorrow (Sep. 26) for a week of important ministry. As the director of DCMi’s Nepal Leadership Development Program, Steve will train our Nepalese partner on selecting participants and...
by David Chung | Sep 26, 2023 | Newsletter
Dear Friends, Desperately wanting peace, the Nigerian church leaders are calling this conference PEACE IN JOS Conference. From all over Nigeria, almost 3,000 participants came to Jos to attend the conference. Key leaders also came from Chad and Niger to support...
by David Chung | Sep 19, 2023 | Newsletter
by David Chung | Sep 9, 2023 | Newsletter
September 17 (Sunday): Local church preaching to full of young people Sep 18-22 (Mon-Friday): The Leadership Conference (Theme: Zachariah 4:6) Antoinette will speak at two plenary sessions and at three breakout sessions. Over 400 women will attend Antoinnette’s...
by David Chung | Sep 8, 2023 | Newsletter
Dear Friends, I send you greetings from Nigeria. The Christian leaders of Nigeria are grateful that we came to encourage them. Thank you for standing with me for Nigerian Christians. My week will be full of teaching, developing, encouraging, and praying for the...