About Educational Ministry in Nigeria

Re: Educational Needs in Nigeria August 22, 2023 Hi Steve, Currently, we operate a primary and high school that provides affordable, quality education to low-income communities in Jos. Drawing on our experience, we have observed that short-term relief often falls...

About Humanitarian Relief in Nigeria

Regarding Humanitarian Relief Needs in Nigeria August 19, 2023 Hi Antoinette There have been some 55 Jihadist attacks on small farming villages in Plateau State since May 15. Over 600 were killed, triple wounded, and somewhere between 18,000 and 40,000 Internally...
An Important Letter about Nigeria Ministry Funds

An Important Letter about Nigeria Ministry Funds

Dear Friends, I am sending this email ONLY to those who sent us donations for Antoinette’s upcoming ministry in Nigeria.  We are in awe of your generosity! Antoinette needed $8000 to encourage church leaders and train them for effective ministry, especially to...
Unprecedented Opportunity in Nigeria

Unprecedented Opportunity in Nigeria

Dear Friends,                                                                                                                                                    July 27, 2023 God has opened a door for DCMi to develop future Christian leaders in Nigeria and impact the...
Pray for Our Nepal Coordintor

Pray for Our Nepal Coordintor

Dear Friends, Last March from all over Nepal, we recruited 100 young Nepalese Christians for leadership development courses we were to offer online.  These are to be developed as Davids, Daniels, and Nehemiahs of Nepal.  Knowing that they were to receive training from...