Spring 2009

Dear DCMi Family,                                                                            Spring 2009 From David: I hope all of you are doing well and enjoying a beautiful spring. I wanted to let you know about what DCMi will be doing in the coming months. In June...

Winter 2008-09

Dear Friends,                                                                                    January 6, 2009 As the new year begins, we are thinking of you. We hope that your Christmas was a joyous celebration of our Savior’s birth. We actually had a “White...

Summer 2008

Dear Friends of DCMi,                                                                          July 21, 2008 It is already mid-summer though summer seems to have started only a couple of weeks ago. How have you been? We miss you and pray that this finds you and yours...

Spring 2008

Dear Friends,                                                                                        March 6, 2008 Time has flown so quickly since our last newsletter! We wanted to catch you up on the latest news of DCMi and our family. From David: On my first trip to...

Fall 2007

Dear DCMi Family, Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! We are seeing hints of fall here in Seattle as the leaves are changing, the weather is growing cooler, and the rains are starting! This summer we were both horrified and inspired as more...

Spring 2007

Dear Friends of David Chung Ministries International (DCMI), We hope that you had a blessed Easter celebration with your family. It has been far too long since we sent a newsletter, but David was involved in extensive travel in the fall and then became ill for a...