Fall 2006

Dear Friends of DCMI,                                                              September 26, 2006 Fall has finally arrived in Seattle with shorter, cooler days – and rain! We hope you had a wonderful summer. In addition to some Seattle area preaching...

Summer 2006

Dear Friends of DCMI,                                                                         July 4, 2006 How have you been? We are so sorry to have been out of touch with you. Our schedules have been crazy this year with David preaching at evangelistic rallies and...

Winter 2005-06

Dear Friends and Family,                                                               January 2, 2006 Our Christmas greetings have now become New Year’s greetings, but we wanted to let each of you know we are thinking of you and wishing you a blessed 2006. As I (Kay)...

Fall-2. 2005

Dear Friends,                                                                                November 8, 2005 The summer heat is gone now and the autumn breeze feels great. Of course, it has already begun to drizzle a little bit here in Seattle. This past summer was...

Spring 2005

DCMi Upate We send you greetings from the state of Washington where it is still rainy and cool. David and I wanted to fill you in on what has been happening in our lives since he last wrote and to tell you what is ahead for David Chung Ministries International. Most...