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Invest in God’s kingdom by giving to DCMi to reach people with the gospel and develop them as leaders to transform individuals, cities, and nations.
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501(c)(3) Information
Invest Talents and Time
Perhaps time can be the most expensive commodity to any person. There are two ways you can invest your time in DCMi’s ministry. 1. Would you pray for our ministry? 2. Would you volunteer to serve on staff with DCMi? If you are interested, please click learn more.
Yeosu Mok Yang Church
농협은행: 317-0023-4464-11 (여수목양교회)

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Give via Zelle®
To invest via Zelle®, open the app on your device or head over to your banks website. From there, just find the link to “Pay” and use our phone number (2533327757) to send your investment today. Once you do, please come back here and fill out our receipt form so we can send you your tax receipt.
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501(c)(3) Information
David Chung Ministries International is a
registered 501(c)(3) organization with the IRS and the State of Washington. All donations received are fully tax deductible. Please consult your tax attorney or tax account for more information. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Our Core Values
Evangelism | Leadership | Integrity | Research
Transformation through Spiritual Awakening
Doctrinal Statement
DCMi upholds The Lausanne Covenant and strives to fulfill it.
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