Winter 2019

Dear Friends,                                                                            December 1, 2019 The Lord gave me a fruitful ministry in Southeast Asia in November.  As a result of this trip, the leading pastors of Bongaigaon, India decided to hold a citywide...

Fall-2 2019

Dear Friends,                                                                                          October 25, 2019 “Organizations win by 25% of individual member’s ability and 75% of teamwork.”  Over a month ago, at the Luis’ Palau’s Next Generation Alliance...

Fall 2019

Dear Friends, The rainy season has started in the Pacific Northwest, but we enjoyed beautiful weather throughout the summer. My time this summer was spent continuing with as many ministry-related activities as possible while dealing with a severe flare-up of my...

Spring 2019 (2)

Dear Friends,                                                                                                              May 2019 After exploring ministry options in Cambodia this past year, we believe God is leading us to Banteay Meanchey, the province bordering...

Spring 2019 (1)

Dear Friends,                                                                                                                             April 2019 Jesus is risen! The message of the resurrection requires to obey the Great Commission. DCMi’s mission is to preach the...